Friday, 23 December 2016
“ नव वर्ष में नवसंकल्प “
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
The law of nature is to change, change from summer to winter, from spring to fall, from light of the full moon to the darkness of the new moon. Neither pains, nor pleasure lasts forever. Pleasure comes after pain and pain is followed again by pleasure. Reflecting like this, one must learn to tolerate the blows of time with patience and learn not only to endure but also to expect welcome, and enjoy both the joys as well as the sorrows of life. Meditation increases happiness in many folds. Some of them are illustrated hereunder:
Awareness: Meditation makes you aware of your posture, your breathing, your gestures, your body movements, your energy, and your overall presence. This awareness alone makes you show up more confident and happier. Confidence is a contagious and attractive quality to wake you up daily.
Tuning with Vibe: Meditation makes you pay more attention to your surroundings. It also makes you to be totally present. You then easily pick up on the reaction of people around you, and as you tune into their energies, you show more empathy and compassion towards them. Giving and being of service to others increases your own happiness.
Clear Thoughts: Meditation helps you collect your thoughts and think clearly. It reminds you that you don’t need to be in a rush all day long, you can pause, you can be silent, you can think and hear your thoughts, and you get a lot of clarity from slowing down. Meditation also makes you pay attention to your breath; sending more oxygen to your brain and centering your whole body and mind as a result.
Emotions: Meditation enables you to channel your emotions with grace and control. It helps you show enthusiasm and exuberance without being overly silly. It helps you to be more certain and more assertive in your message. It helps you smooth out the edges. Just do as you would do if you are cleaning up audio wave forms and removing the peaks and valleys.
Connection: Meditation enables you to channel your emotions with grace and control. It helps you focus your attention on what is really important and let the unimportant stuff go in the process. For instance, you focus more on relationships and less on the minutia of life, the longer you meditate. Happier relationships are the key to more happiness!
Meditation Guru Archna Didi is a name of purity and divinity. She is a young and dynamic master in the world of meditation. She teaches different and practical techniques of meditation. She has taken up an initiative of enlightening people to reunite with their roots, with their soul. She is the Chairperson and Founder of Celebrating Life Foundation. Didi is a dynamic personality who takes up the current issues and makes all the efforts to improve the situation through the network of people whom Didi has nurtured through her blessings and teachings. She is not just a name or a meditation master. She is a living soul and has taken care of all the worries and doubts of her known and disciples. Without saying anything she quietly solves many of the problems. She has made an effort to bring self realization in the society.
Meditation Guru Archna didi takes several meditation sessions in different states of India and also outside India, so that society at large is benefitted by her teachings and blessings. The sessions are so good, reviving and rejuvenating that one cannot stop from meeting and attending her sessions again. Her smile brings the whole universe at one place. The moment she holds her devotee's hand, she carries all the problems, worries and doubts on her and with her simplicity removes all the obstacles.
This divine soul Archna Didi came to this world on 27th March and each year her devotees celebrate this day with lots of joy. She comes after her two months of Maun Sadhana on this day with all her energies showering on us. This is a great time to be with her and take blessings from her. Everyone is invited to this celebrating event where Didi through her high gained energies benefits society at large. Be a part of this divinity as some events come only once in a lifetime and give us unforgettable memories
You all are coordinately invited to this grand celebration on 27th March 2017, Monday at Des Raj Arya Auditorium, East of Kailash evening 6 : 30 pm onwards.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
भीतर का संसार
व्यक्ति का जीवन स्वयं में एक रहस्य है | सभी के मन में जीवन के विभिन्न आयामों को लेकर अनेक प्रश्न उठते हैं जिनके उत्तर हम बाहर खोजने का प्रयास करते हैं किंतु खोज नहीं पाते | वस्तुतः संसार उतना ही नहीं है जितना स्थूल आँखों से दिखाई देता है | स्थूल आँखों की पहुंच से परे भी संसार के अनेक रहस्य हैं | मनुष्य का स्थूल शरीर भी जो कुछ स्थूल आंखों से दिखाई देता है , मात्र उतना ही नहीं है | जिस प्रकार नन्हे से बीज में वृक्ष बनने की संभावना एवं शक्ति छिपी है , उसी प्रकार मनुष्य के भीतर भी अनेक शक्तियाँ छिपी हैं | स्थूल शरीर के भीतर सूक्ष्म शरीर तथा उससे जुड़े अनेक तत्व अत्यंत रहस्यात्मक हैं तथा इन रहस्यों के अनावरण का एक ही माध्यम है -------- ध्यान ।
ध्यान के पथ पर अग्रसर होते – होते वे रहस्य उद्घाटित होने लगते हैं तथा भीतर की शक्तियाँ जागृत होने लगती हैं | ध्यान की विशेष विधियों के अभ्यास से व्यक्ति को वह सुनाई देने लगता है जो कभी नहीं सुना ; वह दिखाई देने लगता है जो कभी नहीं देखा ; वह अनुभूति होने लगती है जिसकी कभी कल्पना भी नहीं की , किंतु यह स्थूल कर्णों , स्थूल आँखों तथा स्थूल शरीर का विषय नहीं है | यह भीतर का संसार है , सूक्ष्म संसार है।
जब ध्यान के माध्यम से व्यक्ति इसमें प्रवेश करता है तो आश्चर्य से भर जाता है कि भीतर का सौंदर्य , भीतर का संसार कितना मोहक , कितना आकर्षक है तथा कितना दिव्य है किंतु उसमें प्रवेश सम्भव है ---- सद्गुरु का हाथ थामकर , उनके मार्गदर्शन में उनके शरणागत होकर |
स्वप्रयास से साधक इसमें प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता | सद्गुरु का मार्गदर्शन ही उसका एकमात्र सम्बल होता है तथा इस मार्गदर्शन में निष्ठापूर्वक साधना करते – करते जब वह भीतर उतरता है तो आनंदविभोर हो उठता है | भीतर वे दृश्य दिखाई देते हैं जो स्थूल आँखों से देखे नहीं जा सकते, वह ध्वनि सुनाई देती है जो स्थूल कर्णों से कभी नहीं सुनी जा सकती | वे अनुभूतियाँ होती हैं जो शब्दों में वर्णित नहीं की जा सकतीं। |
बांसुरी के सात स्वरों की भांति ही सूक्ष्म शरीर में सात चक्र माने जाते हैं जिनमें से होकर विद्युत की भांति ध्यान की सूक्ष्म ऊर्जा ऊपर उठती है | ऊर्जा के यह सात केन्द्र , सात चक्र जब साधना द्वारा सक्रिय होते हैं , जागृत होते हैं तो साधक के समक्ष एक नवीन संसार का द्वार खुल जाता है ।चक्रों के सक्रियकरण के फलस्वरूप , भीतर छिपी क्षमताओं एवं सम्भावनाओं के जागृत होने से साधक के व्यक्तित्व में विशेष गुण प्रकट होने लगते हैं।
वह सांसारिक क्षेत्र में भी सफलता की ओर अग्रसर होने लगता है तथा आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र में भी उत्तरोतर आगे बढ़ने लगता है , उसके सम्पर्क में आने वाले लोग उसके विलक्षण गुणों से प्रभावित होने लगते हैं |
ध्यान का यह संसार बहुत सुंदर , मोहक तथा अद्भुत है तथा मानव जीवन इसमें प्रवेश का स्वर्णिम अवसर है।
---- ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Thursday, 6 October 2016
दीपावली के अवसर पर आइए अपने सौभाग्य को जगाएं।
परम पूज्य ध्यान गुरू “अर्चना दीदी” के प्रकाशमयी सान्निध्य में दीपावली के शुभ उपलक्ष्य में
“दीपावली महोत्सव कार्यक्रम”
29 अक्टूबर 2016 ( 8:00 am)
कार्यक्रम विवरण
प्रातः 8:00 बजे - लक्ष्मी - गणेश पूजन एवं यज्ञ
9:00 बजे- दर्शनम् एवं भजन
9:30 बजे - ध्यान एवं आशीर्वचन
दीपावली के अवसर पर आइए अपने सौभाग्य को जगाएं।
दीपावली का यह त्यौहार प्रकाश की दिव्य किरणों के साथ निकट आ रहा है | इस उपलक्ष्य में दीप प्रज्वलन द्वारा घर आंगन को तो प्रकाशित करें ही , साथ ही आइए अपने हृदय मंदिर में भी ज्ञान, भक्ति, ध्यान तथा साधना के दीप प्रज्वलित करने का प्रयास करें | परम पूज्य “ अर्चना दीदी “ की असीम अनुकम्पा से, उनके प्रकाशमयी सान्निध्य का लाभ प्राप्त करें, अपने अन्तःकरण को प्रकाशित करें ताकि दीपावली का यह पर्व हमारे जीवन में प्रसन्नता, शांति, प्रेम, सौम्यता, उत्साह व उमंग का प्रकाश लेकर आए|
आप सभी इस दीपावली महोत्सव में दीदी द्वारा निर्देशित विशेष लक्ष्मी – गणेश पूजन, यज्ञ एवं ध्यान में इष्ट मित्रों सहित, सपरिवार उत्साहपूर्वक सम्मिलित होने के लिए सादर आमंत्रित हैं |
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Positive Control
ॐ चक्र साधना शिविर
ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी की पावन उपस्थिति में नोएडा स्टेडियम में आयोजित ॐ चक्र साधना शिविर
8 से 11 सितम्बर 2016, ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी की दिव्य उपस्थिति में नोएडा स्टेडियम में ॐ चक्र साधना शिविर का विशेष आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें दिल्ली, द्वारका, फरीदाबाद तथा नोएडा के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से साधकों ने उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया।
दीदी ने चक्र साधना के रहस्य उद्घाटित किए तथा साधकों को चक्र सक्रियकरण का अनुभव कराकर कृतार्थ किया।
दीदी ने साधकों को संबोधित करते हुए चक्र साधना के जीवन में लाभ पर भी प्रकाश डाला। साधना के साथ साथ साधकों को प्राणायाम, यौगिक क्रियाओं एवं हास्य का भी अभ्यास कराया गया।
ध्यान की इन सरल एवं प्रभावशाली विधियों द्वारा दिव्य अनुभूति प्राप्त कर सभी आनंदित हो उठे। भाव विभोर हो साधकों ने दीदी से दीक्षा प्राप्त करने, सेवा व साधना में आगे बढ़ने तथा संस्था की गतिविधियों में हिस्सा लेने के लिए विशेष रुचि दिखाई।
नोएडा में साधकों का एक ऐसा समूह बनने का प्रस्ताव भी रखा गया जो नोएडा में मासिक रूप में एकत्रित होकर ध्यान की धारा प्रवाहित कर सकें।
नोएडा के शिविर के सफल आयोजन में दीदी के चरणों में जिन साधकों की अहम् भूमिका रही:
श्री ओ. पी. अनेजा, श्री दिनेश भारद्वाज (रिज़र्वेशन सुपर्वाइज़र, भारतीय रेल), सी. ए. राकेश सोनी (स्व नियोजित), सी. ए. वाई. के. गुप्ता (सेवारत), श्रीमती नीना यादव (रिजर्वेशन सुपर्वाइज़र भारतीय रेल), श्रीमती निशा सिंघल (सेवारत- टैक्नेट ग्लोबल प्राइवेट लिमिटेड)।
कार्यक्रम में उपस्थित विशिष्ट अतिथि रहे:
सिटी मजिस्ट्रेट श्री बच्चू सिंह जी, प्रोजेक्ट इन्जीनियर नोएडा ओथोरिटी श्री एस. सी. मिश्रा जी, आर. डब्ल्यू. ए. अध्यक्ष श्री एन. पी. सिंह जी, कस्टम एंड एक्साइज कमिश्नर श्री आर. के. सक्सेना जी इत्यादि।
Sunday, 11 September 2016
though might prove fruitful later on makes the students face a lot of tension which ultimately leads to STRESS.
necessary to work effectively and attain goals. As in the case of students, they need to perform in different examinations and also in different assets of life which pushes them in the hands of stress. With such chaos going on in their mind they further perform bad which stresses them more.
take out time from their schedules to just and spend time with themselves. You will be surprised to know how easily you unburden yourself when you sit with your eyes closed, keeping all thoughts out. The chanting of the word OM is also a mind soother.
Saturday, 3 September 2016
ध्यान है – एक अनुभव
“वह” हमें देख रहा है
संभावनाओं की जाग्रति
संभावनाओं की जाग्रति
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Om Chakra Meditation
Sunday, 28 August 2016
यात्रा देवत्व की ओर
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
It is in the nature of the man that he always welcomes confidentially new strata in life. Everybody wants something new in life, not only fighting with the old but on building the new also. Man shows sadness or forgetfulness towards the old happenings, incidents or things. Newsome has an attraction, a confidence, a desire and awareness. A scientist wants to focus all his energy on new discoveries or inventions, a statue maker in creating new statues, a Chitarkar in bringing out new Chitar, a doctor thinks of new ways of treatment, a teacher researches for new educational procedures, advocate goes for new points, business man think of new ideas for his business and a student wants to enter into a new chapter. In a way every person’s eyes are on something new.
While talking, we want to hear latest news. Old is always unattractive, strength less, and our mind runs away from that. Whatever the confidence, strength and freshness the new some has, is the only reason that man welcomes the outcome of New Year with full happiness and strength. New Year is a hope, confidence, new beginning and a new chapter in life. As with the sun sets in the evening; next day morning the sun will rise. So also with the rising sun, new beginning is essential. Similarly, with the end of the previous year, the beginning of New Year is fixed. One is present and the other is past.
By educating yourself, the gains in the previous year, tragedies, incidents, accidents, successes, failures, remembrances etc., welcome the New Year with new promises, planning, oath, power and strength. Make use of the happiness, freshness and hopes in your mind. Then only the coming year till its end will continue to give required confidence, energy, strength and freshness in you. Analyze, memorize and think over as to what is the weakness in your personality which hinders in your development and progress. Also think over what specialties the God and nature has bestowed upon you. While using them, go forward and surely, these could be helpful in your future successes. Based on this analysis, plan the works, establish the means and divide your valuable time sensibly. Also chalk out how much time is required to finish up a particular work. Plan, which work require priority, which works are of less importance and could be postponed. Pay attention and fix time for spirituality, Jap,Tap, Puja and meditation which in return provide the inner strength. For healthy body, take ritual food, fix time for Yoga, required sleep, family, occupation and entertainment etc. In every sphere of life, division of time is necessary.
In this world, everything sheds and becomes old with the passage of time. Although, we may always be in search of new things but it is the principle of nature, nothing always remains new or full of freshness. The Anand, happiness and freshness that we get by way of Bhakti, meditation and Jap is ever lasting and new. It always fills you with joy and new energy. This is the only medium where the search of new some is attained. This invisible strength of the God and His high power are always new and whenever you come in interaction with Him through Bhakti and meditation, you will experience everything new. This new wind will fill you with full freshness. That’s why it has been said in Krishna Satuti, “Diney Diney Nama Nama”. He is new at every second, every minute and every day. Whenever you sit in meditation or in Bhakti, you will attain his Darshana in new (Roop) face.
Whenever you are under the umbrella of MEDITATION SATGURU ARCHNA DIDI, you will always be content, feel good and carry with you new energy. You will have darshana of Him in new Roop because that is the source of new some, Anand and energy. Wherever in the world, you must feel the presence of happiness, new some, pleasantness, energy and healing; it is just the molecule part of that Parmatma. Therefore, for the health of your body, successes, development all over and for the canons of meditation, bring new energy in yourself with the blessings of DIDI and Parmatama.