Monday, 16 May 2016

'Transformation Through Yoga'

Yoga means the ancient Yoga. It means divine knowledge. This knowledge is transferred from Sadguru to pupil. It is a Sanskrit word. When translated, it stands for "Union with God". It puts the seeker on the path of merger of his consciousness into the universal consciousness.
   The great sages studied in the infinity of their inner space and made dazzling discoveries. It is possible even now for any person to practice Yoga and meditation under the patronage of a perfect Sadguru.
    Meditation Sadguru ARCHNA Didi is the power of Yoga and Meditation. She not only transforms but transfigure. One can realize upon this super sensuous experience of divinity under her kind guidance. Choice depends upon the seeker.
   People of divine disposition choose yoga and reach the eternal path which takes them to realization of ultimate truth. The union with Lord of the universe bring them to realization of bliss state of liberation. Liberated soul means "Jeevan Mukta". That means no more vicious cycles of birth and death.
   This human birth is for realizing the divine in us. We have to strive hard to attain the goal of merger with the universal consciousness. The path of yoga is for ultimate union with our creator and sustainer.


  1. when i met Dhyan Guru "ARCHNA DIDI" she told me that we cannot force God and divinity on us but can prepare ourselves and open ourselves for the divine. the surrender and simplicity along with dynamic chakra meditation taught by Didi simply takes one into union with one's own self. Divine experiences become more and more intense under the guidance of Didi and i can say the ancient techniques of all the streams of yoga are simplified and made available to the masses by Didi so that from physical health to spiritual and mental health all are gained by the aspirant.

  2. Poras ji, thanks for sharing. Your experiences provide motivation and inspiration to follow and practice the meditations taught by our Guru Archna Didi.
    Internet is full of articles/videos on how to meditate and I must confess that I used to wander on all those paths but progress was not happening.
    When in Jan 2015 I did meditation at Mumbai session with guidance and presence of Dhyan Guru Archna didi, I realised why our scriptures have said गुरु बिन ज्ञान नहीं

    1. thank you sanjay ji
      we all are benefitted by the Divine presence Didi
      Indeed blessings are always flowing with all of us

  3. नहीं दरकार सागर की*
    *कृपा की बूँद काफी है।*

    *रहूँ मस्ती में हरदम*
    *बस "प्रभु" का ध्यान काफी है।।*

    *🙏🙏 हरि ॐ दीदी 🙏🙏*

  4. Yoga an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one's being from bodily health to self realization. It means the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Our Sadguru Archna didiji teaches us that yoga is not a work-out it is a work-in. It is not about self -improvement, it is about self -acceptance. Hari om

  5. Yoga(Union) with Sadguru "ARCHNA DIDI" lotus feet has filled my life with happiness and good deeds... DIDI,s guidence & blessings has transformed life of millions.. I am fortunate being one of such life.. Pranam DIDI..

  6. Yoga, no doubt transforms life, but in the presence of Meditation Sadguru " ARCHNA DIDI " it gives ultimate results.
