Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Meditation for Inner Peace

  Meditation for Inner Peace


Inner peace is self-liberation through the release of doubt and fear., Peace begins with the self before it can be emanated outward and shared as a community, nation, and globe. Peace meditation is finding individual peace of mind.

A few minutes of daily practice will help you approach each moment of your life from a state of enhanced calm, allowing you to be serene during almost any situation. 

Meditation in the morning will help you remain peaceful throughout the entire day by leaving the mind fresh and clear.







Some easy ways to practice meditation for inner peace:


Bring the Mind and Body Into a State of Balance

Find a peaceful place of silence and solitude. Prepare the mind to become still by getting comfortable. Sit with your legs crossed as comfortably as you can, or place the soles of your feet together with your knees pointing outward. If this is uncomfortable, you can sit on a chair. Make sure your back is straight and place your hands palms facing down on each leg–this is the position of content and peace.

Take a moment to release all obligations and responsibilities. This time is for you and only you. Breathe slowly through the nose and out through the mouth. Inhale joy and pure energy; exhale worry, stress, self-doubt, and tension.





You Feel Relaxed, Light and Pure

Imagine sitting in a vast open space. Allow your mind to release any judgment or analysis. Just be as you are and accept. This is a space of freedom and peace. Any problems you may have had do not exist here. Sit with this moment, breathe and allow your mind to naturally settle into a state of tranquility. This may take a few minutes, but be confident that you will gently settle into balance and clear focus.

This Sense of Peace Becomes Your Focus Point

Notice the lightness of your body and use the calmness of the moment as your point of focus. Feel how still the air is and just observe the calm energy. With peaceful intentions, always bring your concentration and awareness back into the sensations of your relaxed body no matter how often your mind drifts.Appreciate the simplicity of being able to relax and be at peace with yourself. Visualize a bright aura around your entire body. This is the energy of peace.Sit with this for however long feels appropriate. Anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes is great. As you practice you will notice that you can maintain this sense of calm energy for even longer.


Bring Your Awareness to the Core of Your Body

Focus on the base of your spine and imagine the bright light. Concentrate in the center of your abdomen and at the core of your gravity. This is the center of your grounding, where your mind is balanced and your body is energized. 

Feel the clarity of being connected to the moment, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are always safe and secure.

 Instead of your mind swaying back and forth, it is now more clear and focused on the moment. Your grounding energy is what keeps you at peace.







Finish With Gratitude and Share the Peace

After you get a good sense of peace and are able to spend some time in this space of peaceful energy that you have created for yourself, it is always important to express gratitude for your experience and for the moment.

Being thankful is how we communicate with the abundance of life. We are sending a strong signal to ourselves and our surroundings that we recognize the beauty and potential of our experience.

As you approach each day, you will begin to feel more at peace with your surroundings. At this point you are ready to share your peace and bring it into your life experience. With the intention of  sharing your peace by remaining aware and mindful of each moment, you are spreading the purity through yourself, and ultimately towards others. The more you are able to generate these feelings of peace and happiness within yourself, the more potential you have to step into the world with an enhanced vibration of joy and positive energy.



  1. विश्व्व विख्यात परम पूज्य वंदनीय ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी जी के पावन श्रीचरणों में कोटि कोटि नमन और अभिनन्दन। आपके श्रीचरणों में मेरे सारे तीर्थ और मोक्ष भी है । सादर हरी ॐ जी ।

  2. विश्व्व विख्यात परम पूज्य वंदनीय ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी जी के पावन श्रीचरणों में कोटि कोटि नमन और अभिनन्दन। आपके श्रीचरणों में मेरे सारे तीर्थ और मोक्ष भी है । सादर हरी ॐ जी ।

  3. Very well said. You get peace of mind not by thinking about it or imagining it but by relaxing the restless mind. Silence your mind through concentration and meditation and discover the inner peace within yourself. Our sadguru Archna didiji help us to make our body, mind and soul peaceful and positive by her simple technique of meditation. Hari om
