Sunday, 29 May 2016



Today, we all know the human race is in a bad shape as far as morals and ethics are concerned.  The reason can be traced to lour past.  The fact is that we neglected our children in educating them about the right morals and ethic.  This has led to a dismal fall in human character.  If we look around, we will see selfish, thoughtless, dubious and cruel people.  All the higher values look to be completely crushed.  Each one is busy running after one’s own goals.  At the same time, nobody is bothered about the rapidly growing population, which has resulted in never-ending problems.  How can we ever be proud of ourselves, if we take the present situation into account?
Now the question is whether we would like to continue living in a world of selfishness and ignorance?  Meditation Guru Archna Didi has been deeply committed to the cause of the children.  She not only teaches Yoga and Meditation to the underprivileged children but also provides association, interaction and financial help in terms of kinds and gifts etc from time to time.   That is a great inspiration to them. DIDI wants to gift children a beautiful world.  At present we are living in great turmoil.  We cannot come out of it immediately.  Nor can we imagine a sudden revolution in the total character of the human race.  Each individual has to make a progress towards a better culture.  Social upliftment needs to be brought in by inculcating high moral values in the individual character.  This can only be done slowly.  If we wish to have a bright future, we will have to educate our children in the right direction.  We have to ensure that they do not get into any criminal activities.  We will have to teach our children to think righteously, decide correctly and live up to their decisions fearlessly.  After all, children are our future and we need to invest in them
That is the reason that we have to build up the character of our present generation.  We must teach them to honour high values.  Only if their idles and thoughts are noble, we can expect a beautiful future.  Thus a peaceful and progressive world can be created in future, which we would like to be in today.  We may not be able to bring about this change in our life time but we can certainly expect it for our children.   The change is inevitable but it has to be seen in what direction the change is brought abou

Let your Faith be Bigger then Your Fears

Let your Faith be Bigger then Your Fears

One day I decided to quit....

I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality..... I wanted to quit my life. I went to have one last talk with my mentor. I said, "Can you give me  one good reason not to quit?"

The answer surprised me..."Look around. What do you see?” I saw a fern and bamboo seeds?"

My mentor replied, "When the fern and the bamboo seeds were planted, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water.

The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
“In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

“In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

“In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

“Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.

Life does not give anyone a challenge they can not handle.
"Did you know that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I did not quit on the bamboo. Never quit on yourself.

Don't compare yourself to others. The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern; yet, they both make the forest beautiful.

“Your time will come. You will rise high! How high should you rise? How high will the bamboo rise? ...As high as it can. So you should rise as high as you can.

Never regret a day in your life.”
• Good days give you Happiness.
• Bad days give you Experiences.
• Both are essential to life.
• Happiness keeps you Sweet,
• Trials keep you Strong,
• Sorrows keep you Human,
• Failures keep you Humble,
• Success keeps You Glowing,
• But only your faith keeps you going.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Meditation for Inner Peace

  Meditation for Inner Peace


Inner peace is self-liberation through the release of doubt and fear., Peace begins with the self before it can be emanated outward and shared as a community, nation, and globe. Peace meditation is finding individual peace of mind.

A few minutes of daily practice will help you approach each moment of your life from a state of enhanced calm, allowing you to be serene during almost any situation. 

Meditation in the morning will help you remain peaceful throughout the entire day by leaving the mind fresh and clear.







Some easy ways to practice meditation for inner peace:


Bring the Mind and Body Into a State of Balance

Find a peaceful place of silence and solitude. Prepare the mind to become still by getting comfortable. Sit with your legs crossed as comfortably as you can, or place the soles of your feet together with your knees pointing outward. If this is uncomfortable, you can sit on a chair. Make sure your back is straight and place your hands palms facing down on each leg–this is the position of content and peace.

Take a moment to release all obligations and responsibilities. This time is for you and only you. Breathe slowly through the nose and out through the mouth. Inhale joy and pure energy; exhale worry, stress, self-doubt, and tension.





You Feel Relaxed, Light and Pure

Imagine sitting in a vast open space. Allow your mind to release any judgment or analysis. Just be as you are and accept. This is a space of freedom and peace. Any problems you may have had do not exist here. Sit with this moment, breathe and allow your mind to naturally settle into a state of tranquility. This may take a few minutes, but be confident that you will gently settle into balance and clear focus.

This Sense of Peace Becomes Your Focus Point

Notice the lightness of your body and use the calmness of the moment as your point of focus. Feel how still the air is and just observe the calm energy. With peaceful intentions, always bring your concentration and awareness back into the sensations of your relaxed body no matter how often your mind drifts.Appreciate the simplicity of being able to relax and be at peace with yourself. Visualize a bright aura around your entire body. This is the energy of peace.Sit with this for however long feels appropriate. Anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes is great. As you practice you will notice that you can maintain this sense of calm energy for even longer.


Bring Your Awareness to the Core of Your Body

Focus on the base of your spine and imagine the bright light. Concentrate in the center of your abdomen and at the core of your gravity. This is the center of your grounding, where your mind is balanced and your body is energized. 

Feel the clarity of being connected to the moment, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are always safe and secure.

 Instead of your mind swaying back and forth, it is now more clear and focused on the moment. Your grounding energy is what keeps you at peace.







Finish With Gratitude and Share the Peace

After you get a good sense of peace and are able to spend some time in this space of peaceful energy that you have created for yourself, it is always important to express gratitude for your experience and for the moment.

Being thankful is how we communicate with the abundance of life. We are sending a strong signal to ourselves and our surroundings that we recognize the beauty and potential of our experience.

As you approach each day, you will begin to feel more at peace with your surroundings. At this point you are ready to share your peace and bring it into your life experience. With the intention of  sharing your peace by remaining aware and mindful of each moment, you are spreading the purity through yourself, and ultimately towards others. The more you are able to generate these feelings of peace and happiness within yourself, the more potential you have to step into the world with an enhanced vibration of joy and positive energy.



Here are a few meditation tips that can help reduce the elements of distraction.


Find Your Meditation Spot

The first step in eliminating distraction is to cultivate your meditation spot. This area should be away from any sort of distraction. It is proven that a calm and stable ambience provides a positive vibration, helping to strengthen your ability to sink into a deeper state of meditation.

When you practice consistently, you will soon notice that the tranquil vibration of this area seems to grow stronger. As the area is visited with calm intentions, your natural energy begins to resonate with the environment and transform into a calm presence.

Choose an area that is free from any interferences or distracting noise.  Make sure that this is a place that you feel comfortable in and where you can be at ease. This will become your meditation area.

If you are interested in adding some added vibe to your mediation spot, here are few things to consider:

A unique cushion for sitting on


Books that inspire you


Pictures that signify tranquility


Flowers or Plants






Try to Meditate on an Empty Stomach


It’s easier to meditate on an empty stomach. If you are going to eat something before your meditation session, it is advisable to keep it light and wait about 30 minutes to 1 hour before you start. Keeping the body light will allow you to generate a better connection to the energies of your body. If you eat something a little heavier, you will not have a deep, true meditation

Meditation first thing in the morning is an effective strategy, because the body is starting off fresh and more prone to be aligned with the mind. If you are hungry, eat something very light, otherwise your hunger will disturb your focus. Have a cup of juice or water.



Do Some Light Stretching


To meditate effectively, it is better to warm up by stretching your body with the intention of loosening up your rigid muscles. This will also generate some healthy circulation and energy flow. This strategy will help you a great deal in being able to sit comfortably while becoming aware of the sensations of your body’s energy. Start with swinging your arms, moving your legs, followed by some light stretching and deep breathing.







Set an Alarm

The main purpose is to commit to your session and follow through — even if only for a couple of minutes at a time. When you are ready to extend your session, you can gradually prolong your meditation and end your session whenever you feel it is appropriate.

In order to train yourself to maintain a longer session, a good trick is to set an alarm on your clock or phone, say for 15 to 20 minutes, and no matter what happens, you do not stop your session until the time is up. This will give you a reference point and a specific direction. Thoughts and distraction will arise, and no matter how much you may lose track of your focus, you will maintain your commitment.



Concentrate on Repetitions


The sole motive behind concentrating on repetitions is to avoid your subconscious activity and it's ability to pull you in.

A form of repetition is mantra meditation. This involves chanting of specific words or sounds that are thought to have both psychological and spiritual powers. This simplified definition is drawn from the meaning of the word itself, ‘mantra’ which may be used to mean sound, vibration, syllable, word or even a sacred utterance.

Saturday, 21 May 2016



The person who sees his Satguru, different from God or vice versa, is actually blind in the world of spirituality, as per the teachings of Saint Kabir.  If a person with bad luck, who has been rejected by world and even God, goes into the refuge of Satguru, he could be saved by his unconditional love but if Satguru rejects a person then even God cannot give him refuge.

So we can say that grace of Guru is must for spiritual progress. And Satguru’s grace is obtained by one who is pure at heart, helps others, has a compassionate heart, has surrendered his ego and works selflessly. Satguru is the physical form of formless God. God may be strict like father but Satguru is like a compassionate mother. Satguru removes the impurities from the heart of his disciples and makes them fit for God’s grace. So a disciple must always seek blessings of his Satguru. Surrender and faith are the two essentials on this path and are the assets of a Sadhak. An aspirant’s mind, speech, action shall never be responsible for offending his Satguru, because this is the biggest misfortune for him. An aspirant whose Satguru is happy with him is always saved and rescued from the clutches of world and darkness. But an aspirant who has become reason for his Satguru’s unhappiness becomes recipient of bad luck and his mind is governed by illusion and desires attracting more difficulties in life. An aspirant becomes eligible to encounter the illusionary power of this world only with the grace of Satguru and without him there is no other way to get free from illusionary power of this world.

A businessman is always interested in earning money and money is his motive and happiness, similarly an aspirant’s interest and happiness lies in Satguru’s happiness, his grace and love. And this wealth remains with him after death and rebirths.

But this happiness of Satguru is very difficult to obtain. An aspirant has to remove impurity from his heart. Jealousy, hatred, desires etc., keeps him away from Satguru.

An aspirant must work to become pure by involving in service of his Guru and having total surrender in his feet. An aspirant when surrenders in his master’s feet only then diviner possibilities are opened for him. We must pray for divine blessings and wisdom from Satguru always.


Friday, 20 May 2016


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning circle or wheel.  Your chakras are spinning vibrating circles of energy that appear as wheels in your body – they connect your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

There are said to be seven main chakras in all; four in our upper body, which govern our mental properties, and three in the lower body, which govern our instinctual properties. They are:

The Muladhara (root) chakra. The Svadhisthana (sacral) chakra. The Manipura (solar plexus) chakra. The Anahata(heart) chakra. The Visuddhi (throat) chakra. The Ajna (third eye) chakra. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra.

These energy centers regulate how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.  When any one of these centers is blocked or unstable it affects your everyday life in many different ways.  You pick up negative energy and toxins from your environment, the people around you and from your own thoughts and reactions to events in your life.  That energy builds up slowly, so after a while, you feel out of balance, unhappy, unsatisfied, or not able to move forward in one area of your life.  This is because your energy centers are the foundation of your body’s health.  This energy affects the cells of your body, your thoughts and your emotions.

Root Chakra ( MULADHAR ) This chakra is based on being physically aware and feeling comfortable in many situations. If opened, you should feel well-balanced and sensible, stable and secure. You don't distrust people around you for no reason.You feel present in what is happening right now, and very connected to your physical body. If it's under-active: you tend to be fearful or nervous, and easily feel unwelcome. If it's over-active: you may be materialistic and greedy. You feel as if you should be secure and are unwelcome to a change.

Sacral Chakra ( SVADHISTHANA ) . This chakra deals with feeling and sexuality. If open, feeling are released with liberty, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You would be open to affinity and can be passionate as well as outgoing. You also have no problems based on sexuality. If it's under-active: you tend to be unemotional or impassive, and are not very open to anybody. If it's over-active: you tend to be sensitive and emotional all the time. You may also be very sexual.

Navel Chakra ( MANIPURA ) This chakra encircles confidence, especially when in a group. When open, you should feel in control and have good feeling of dignity in yourself. If it's under-active: you tend to be passive and indecisive. You could be frequently apprehensive and this doesn't reward you. If it's over-active: you tend to be imperious and aggressive.

Heart Chakra ( ANAHATA ) This chakra is all about love, caring, and endearment. When open, you seem to be compassionate and friendly, always working in amicable relationships. If it's under-active: you tend to be cold and unfriendly. If it's over-active: you tend to be so "loving" towards people that you suffocate them, and you could be seen as selfish for it.

Throat Chakra ( VISUDDHI ) This chakra is based on self-expression and communication. When the chakra is open, expressing yourself is easy, and art seems to be a great way to do this. If it's under-active: you tend not to speak too much, so you are classified as shy. If you lie often, this chakra can be blocked. If it's over-active: you tend to speak so much, it annoys a lot of people. You could also be a pretty bad listener.

Third Eye Chakra ( AJNA ) Like it's name, this chakra deals with insight. When open, you have excellent clairvoyance, and tend to dream a lot. If it's under-active: you tend to look up to other people to think for you. Relying on beliefs too often, you also tend to be confused most of the time. If it's over-active: you tend to live in a world imagination all day long. In the extremes, you could suffer from frequent daydreams or even hallucinations.

Crown Chakra  ( SAHASRARA ) This is the seventh and most spiritual chakra. It encircles a being's wisdom and being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudice disappears from your To Do list, and you seem to become more aware of the world and it's connection to yourself. If it's under-active: you tend to not be very spiritual, and may be quite rigid in your thoughts. If it's over-active: you tend to intellectualize things all the time. Spirituality seems to come first in your mind, and if you are really over-active, you may even ignore your bodily needs (food, water, shelter).

Thursday, 19 May 2016


*Why Meditation is necessary?*
Read below from Medical Angle
From the time of our birth till death the heart works continuously. Everyday the heart pumps 7000 litres of blood ,of which 70% blood is pumped to the brain and the remaining 30%  to the rest of body. The blood is pumped through veins/arteries which are about more than 70,000 km long. The strength required to pump the blood upto 42 ft high and weight of 1 tonne is generated by the heart everyday throught its work.
We take rest when we are tired but if the heart takes rests for 4-5 mins we will have to rest forever.
*How does the heart work so much effeciently and effectively?*
Heart works effectively because it follows a discipline. In normal conditions the heart takes 0.3 secs to contract (systole) and 0.5 secs to relax (diastole). So 0.3+0.5=0.8 secs are required by the heart to complte one beat (1 cardiac cycle). That means in 1 min the heart beats 72 times which is considered as normal heart beat. During the relaxing phase of 0.5 secs the impure blood travels through the lungs and becomes 100 % pure.
In some stressful conditions the body demands more blood in less time and in this situation the heart reduces the relaxing period of 0.5 secs to 0.4 secs. Thus in this case the heart beats 82 times in 1min and only 80% of blood gets purified. On more n more demand the relaxing time is further reduced to 0.3 secs then only 60% of blood is purified. Thus 20-40% of impure blood is pumped in the veins/ arteries. These impure components (cholestrol/lipid) gets deposited on the walls of arteries/ veins and thus the elastic nature of the veins and the arteries is lost. So they become plastic in nature.
After some time due to the above conditions the veins/arteries become rigid. Now if a blood clot travels through the veins/ arteries (which in normal conditions gets easily passed away due to the elastic nature earlier) gets blocked and resists blood flow in that area.
This results in a blockage which further results in Heart Attack.
From the above discussion we realise that the main reason for the heart problems is the increase demand of blood by the brain and the body. When the activity of brain is stimulated it demands more amount of blood than that of normal conditions.
To stimulate the activity of brain 25-30% of diet we take is responsible whereas the remaining 70-75% is due to the thinking, emotions, attitude, memories and other processes of the brain.
So those who want to keep their heart working effectively for a long period of time they should protect themselves from - worries, anger, sadness, emotional n sensitive behavior, stress and hurry.
To protect ourselves from the above few things there is NO MEDICATION available so the only option is Meditation. Pl do it regularly.



If we talk about a child born in a palace as a prince, we can say that because of the good deeds and attributes in his past incarnations, this soul has obtained birth in royal family and love of Queen as mother and King as father. He becomes eligible for all the luxuries of life, royal clothes, royal dishes, prosperity and wealth. All his desires are fulfilled in no time. In adverse atmosphere like summer season , he is provided with cool environment and in winters warm. His future is totally secured.
But everyone is not so lucky. As a result of good past deeds, one gets this kind of birth. All these favourable conditions of life and luxuries are obtained because of past deeds and Karmas. If one has these favourable conditions, one should utilise the resources, time and energies not only for his spiritual growth but also for the welfare of society under the able guidance of his Guru and God. He should try to live in a manner so that his present birth becomes graceful and his future incarnations becomes successful. If we constatntly utilize the earnings saved in banks without adding deposits in it, they could come to an and. Also if we debit more as compared to credit, one day all earnings would end.  We therefore should not stop doing good deeds since what we have today is the result of our past deeds.  We should constantly do good deeds and spiritual practices under the guidance of an able Guru.
With the grace of his master works , if a person gets aware of this life opportunities , he can further grow spiritually. He works selflessly, with compassion and brotherhood for all. Contrary to this, a person who has all luxuries and favourable conditions of life but not keen to grow , spiritually have egoistic tendencies, he enjoys the present life but falls in the clusters of desires and lust. He is not able to credit his karmic account.
A prince born in a kingdom generally becones  king one day.  If he , even though being son of a King is filled with negative qualities like lack of intergrity , compassion , purity,  control over senses etc  which make him unfit, the king will not promote him further.
Similar is the case with us.  We are born with all opportunities of life but instead of going for spiritual growth, we are involved totally in this gross world for same gratification.
This birth we have is a rare birth and we must move on the path of Sadhna and credit our karmic account with gems of selfless work, love , compassion and Grace of Guru.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

     भक्ति  --- एक शून्य अवस्था

            भक्ति  --- एक शून्य अवस्था
भक्ति ईश्वर के प्रति तीव्र प्रेम है | ईश्वर प्रेम है और ईश्वर से प्रेम करना उसके लिए जो वह है - भक्ति होती है | भक्ति की कोई दशा नहीं होती है | हमें ईश्वर से कोई शर्त या मांग नहीं करनी चाहिए कि वह हमारी इच्छाओं की पूर्ती उसी तरह करे जिस तरह हम उन्हें पाना चाहते है, अन्यथा हम उसके प्रति सम्मान या प्रेम नहीं रखेंगे।
          भक्ति एक पवित्र भावना होती है | यह विशिष्ट होती है | यह उच्च स्तर की चेतना की ओर भक्त को उन्नत करती है | प्रबल भक्ति सर्वोच्च से स्वयं को समाहित करने की दशा होती है | भक्त उन सब से जुड़ जाता है | जो उसके पास होता है और अपनी आराधना की वस्तु जैसे ईश्वर के लिए कार्य करता है | जीवन में प्रत्येक कार्य उसके प्रिय ईश्वर से जुड़ा होता है | उसके जीवन का सबकुछ एक आराधना और पूजा ईश्वर के प्रति होती है | जब मस्तिष्क स्थिरता पूर्वक एवं लगातार ईश्वर पर केन्द्रित होता है - वह ईश्वर से एकाकार हो जाता है |
    भक्ति विश्वास से आरम्भ होती है | हमें प्रक्रति एवं संसार के आश्चर्य के बारे में सिखाया जाता है और इसलिए हम यह विश्वास रखते हैं कि ईश्वर अच्छा होता है | जैसे ही हम प्रक्रति एवं जीवन के चमत्कारों एवं आश्चर्यों से और अधिक ज्ञान अर्जित करते हैं हमारा विश्वास ईश्वर के प्रति आकर्षित करता है | हम उसकी क्ष्रमताओं के बारे में मंथन करते हैं और उपहार जो वह हम पर बरसाता है और हम उसके प्रति आकर्षित होते हैं |  हम स्वयं को ईश्वर से जुड़ा पाते हैं और हम उससे सर्वोच्च प्रेम से प्यार करते हैं
भक्त और भक्ति                                                                   
भक्त   शब्द अलग-अलग लोगों के लिए अलग-अलग मायने रखता है। मंदिरों के दर्शनार्थियों से लेकर घरों में पूजा-आरती और अन्य रीति-रिवाजों का पालन करने वालों को आमतौर पर भक्त कहा जाता है। हो सकता है कि एक भक्त का बाहरी रूप इनमें से किसी तरह का हो, लेकिन एक भक्त की मूल प्रकृति क्या होती है?
भक्त होने का अर्थ किसी चीज की कल्पना करना नहीं है। भक्त होने का मतलब है, आप समझ चुके हैं कि आपके विचार, आपकी कल्पना, आपकी याद्दाश्त इस जगत में किसी काम की नहीं। भक्त होने का मतलब किसी मतिभ्रम का शिकार होना भी नहीं हैशिक्षा का मतलब सर्टिफिकेट हासिल करना नहीं है। इसका मतलब खुद का विकास करना है।
जब मैं भक्ति कहता हूं तो मैं ईश्वर के बारे में बात नहीं कर रहा हूं। मैं आपके शून्य हो जाने के बारे में बात कर रहा हूं। अगर आप शून्य की अवस्था में आ जाते हैं तो आप हर चीज को अपने भीतर समा सकते हैं, क्योंकि हर चीज शून्य में समा सकती है।
भक्त होने का मतलब किसी मतिभ्रम का शिकार होना भी नहीं है। भक्त होने का मतलब है कि वह अपने खुद के विचारों को, अपनी भावनाओं को कोई महत्व नहीं देता, क्योंकि वह जानता है कि वह कुछ भी नहीं है। वह किसी काम का नहीं है।इस जगत में हर चीज शून्य में ही समाई हुई है। जब आप शून्य हो जाते हैं तो आप हर चीज को अपने भीतर समा सकते हैं। तो भक्ति का अर्थ बस यही है।
यह बड़े दुर्भाग्य की बात है कि हमने एक ऐसे समाज का निर्माण किया है जहां विचार को ही सबसे महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। देखा जाए तो यह बड़े ही दुर्भाग्य की बात है। विचार तो बहुत छोटी सी घटना है। विचार तो आपकी एकत्र की हुई स्मृति से ही लगातार अपना भोजन ले रहे होते हैं। और जो कुछ भी आपने एकत्र किया है, वह चाहे जितना भी बड़ा हो, भले ही पूरा विश्व ज्ञान कोष अपने दिमाग में इकठ्ठा कर लिया हो, फिर भी यह बहुत छोटा है और आपके सभी विचार उस क्षुद्रता से आ रहे हैं जिसे आप ज्ञान कहते हैं।
भक्ति बस एक सहज बोध है
एक भक्त को बेशक किसी चीज को अलंकृत करना नहीं आता हो, लेकिन वह जानता है कि वह क्या है और यही जानना उसके लिए काफी है। चूंकि वह जानता है कि वह क्या है इसीलिए वह इतना खूबसूरत इंसान बन गया है, इतना जबर्दस्त आनंदमय प्राणी बन गया है, उसे अपने भीतर संगीत महसूस होता है, शानदार नृत्य महसूस होता है, क्योंकि उसके पास जीवन का बोध है, अहसास है। उसे इसे समझने की परवाह नहीं, क्योंकि वह इसकी विशालता को देख लेता है। वह अपने अस्तित्व की तुच्छ प्रकृति को भी देखता है। उसने इसे स्पर्श किया है, इसीलिए वह इतना पवित्र और भाग्यवान नजर आता है, इसलिए नहीं कि उसने सब कुछ जान लिया है। वह जानने की ज्यादा चिंता नहीं करता, क्योंकि वह भक्त है।
भक्ति और नम्रता
नम्रता भक्ति के लिए बहुत आवश्यक है।
सबमे प्रभु हैं ये बात संतो के श्री मुख से उपदेश सुन-सुनकर जब ह्रदय में बैठ जायेगी तब किसी के प्रति कठोरता हम कर ही नहीं पाएंगे। प्रभु को सहजता, सरलता, निर्मलता और नम्रता विशेष प्रिय है।नम्र और विनम्र व्यक्ति के प्रति तो दुनिया में भी सब सदभाव रखते हैं। व्यक्ति जितना गुणवान होगा उतना ही विनम्रवान भी होगा। ज्ञान सरलता की ओर ही ले जाता है। जो अकड़ पैदा करे वो तोअज्ञान है। नम्रता एक ऐसा दुर्लभ गुण है , जिसे हमें अपने जीवन में धारण करना है। नम्रता का अर्थ ऐसे भाव से जीना है कि हम सब एक ही परमात्मा की संतान हैं। जब हमें यह अहसास होता है कि प्रभु की नजरों में सब एक समान हैं , तो दूसरों के प्रति हमारा व्यवहार नम्र हो जाता है। जब हमारा अहंकार खत्म हो जाता है तो हमारा घमंड और गर्व मिट जाता है। तब हम किसी को पीड़ा नहीं पहुंचाते। हम महसूस करते हैं कि प्रभु की दया से हमें कुछ उपहार मिले हैं और जो पदार्थ हमें दूसरों से अलग करते हैं , वे भी प्रभु के दिए उपहार हैं। अपने भीतर प्रभु का प्रेम अनुभव करने से हमारे अंदर नम्रता आती है। तब हर चीज में हमें प्रभु का हाथ नजर आता है। हम देखते हैं कि करनहार तो प्रभु हैं। इस तरह की आत्मिक नम्रता धारण करने से , धन , मान , प्रतिष्ठा , ज्ञान और सत्ता का अहंकार हमें सताता नहीं है। कहा जाता है कि जहां प्रेम है , वहां नम्रता है। हम जिनसे प्यार करते हैं , उन पर अपना रोब नहीं डालते और न ही उन पर क्रोध करते हैं। हमें उन लोगों के प्रति भी इसी तरह का व्यवहार करना चाहिए , जिनसे हम अपरिचित हैं। यह भी कहा जाता है कि जहां प्यार है , वहां नि : स्वार्थ सेवा का भाव होता है। हम जिनसे प्रेम करते हैं , उनकी सहायता करते हैं। क्योंकि सब में प्रभु की ज्योति निवास करती है।
भक्ति और सेवा        
  भक्ति शब्दों की रूप रचना भी उसके गहन और व्यापक स्वरूप को प्रकट करती है। भज्‌-सेवायाम्‌ धातु से क्तिन्‌ प्रत्यय होकर भक्ति शब्द बना है। मूल अर्थ है सेवा, सेवा का संबंध कर्म से है। मन में प्रेमाभक्ति हो तो कर्म में सेवाभक्ति की भावना स्वयं जाग जाएगी। मन प्रभु के नाम को जपता है तो तन सेवा भक्ति, कर्म में रत हो जाता है। चिंतन, मनन, भजन में सेवा नहीं रह सकती। सेवा का संबंध उन कर्मों से है जो अपने प्रिय प्रभु के लिए किए जाते हैं। कर्म करो और भगवान को अर्पित कर दो, अर्थात्‌ प्रत्येक कार्य को करते हुए मन में भावना बननी चाहिए कि मैं जो कर रहा हूं वह सब मेरे भगवान की सेवा भक्ति के निमित्त है।
सेवा संबंधी प्रत्येक कर्म को भगवान को समर्पित करने से प्राणी अहंकार से मुक्त हो जाता है। जो कुछ है उसका है, जो उसका है उसको समर्पित करो।
        ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी कहती हैं
            सेवा का फ़ल: गुरू की कृपा        
सेवा मे बहुत आनंद है। सेवा का दूसरा नाम है हनुमान ।
हनुमान जी ने सेवा करके ही तो पाया अपने राम को। हनुमान जी के अतिरिक्त सेवा का दुसरा पर्याय संसार मे हो नही सकता। सेवा का अभिप्राय एक ही शब्द है हनुमान। हनुमान जी का रूप क्या है। हनु कहते है मारने को और मान का मतलब मान ,जिन्होने अपने मन को मार दिया हो। जो अपने मान को मार के सेवा मे लग गये हो वही तो सच्चा सेवक होते है।मन प्रभु के नाम को जपता है तो तन सेवा भक्ति, कर्म में रत हो जाता है। चिंतन, मनन, भजन में सेवा नहीं रह सकती। सेवा का संबंध उन कर्मों से है जो अपने प्रिय प्रभु के लिए किए जाते हैं। कर्म करो और भगवान को अर्पित कर दो, अर्थात्‌ प्रत्येक कार्य को करते हुए मन में भावना बननी चाहिए कि मैं जो कर रहा हूं वह सब मेरे भगवान की सेवा भक्ति के निमित्त है ।
भक्ति और श्रेष्ठता  
हममें से हर एक के भीतर एक राजा है , हर एक व्यक्ति महत्वपूर्ण है और हम सबके भीतर आत्मा है जो कि परमात्मा का अंश है। जब हम इस दृष्टि से अपने सभी कार्य करते हैं कि हमें हर व्यक्ति को अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ देना है , तब हम हर एक के अंदर बैठे परमात्मा को सम्मान देते हैं।
हे प्यारे प्रभु हम अपनी श्रेष्ठता को प्राप्त कर सके!
हे दयालु! हे कृपालु! हे परमेश्वर! हे ज्योतिर्मय! हे ज्ञानस्वरूप!
चरण-शरण में उपस्थित होकर हम आपके बच्चे आपसे प्रार्थना करते हैं!हमारा यह जीवन आपका दिया हुआ एक वरदान है!
श्रेष्ठ से श्रेष्ठ कर्म करने के लिए और जिंदगी की श्रेष्ठता को प्रकट करने के लिए इस संसार के कर्मक्षेत्र में हम लोग आए हैं!
हमारी बुद्धि अपनी श्रेष्टता को उपलब्ध हो! हमारे ह्रदय का प्रेम श्रेष्ठता तक पहुंचे!हमारे कर्म श्रेष्ठता से युक्त हों। हमारी आत्मा ऊंचाई को, महानता को विशेषता को प्राप्त हो सके! हम अपने अंदर के श्रेष्ठ तत्वों को बाहर निकाल सकें!जो कुछ दुनिया में करने के लिए जो क्षमताएं भगवान जी आपने हम को दी उन सभी क्षमताओं के सामर्थ्य का हम पूर्ण प्रयोग कर सकें!
इस जीवन का पूर्ण लाभ ले सकें हमें वो अवसर दीजिए, प्रेरणा और शक्ति दीजिए। हम अपने विकास तक पहुंचे,ऊंचाई तक पहुंचे! हम संसार की उलझनों में, दुखों में उलझ कर न रह जाएं!उनके पार जाएं,अपना उद्धार करें और जो पिछड़ गए हैं उनका भी हाथ पकड़ कर आगे लेकर जा सकें!हे प्यारे प्रभु इतनी कृपा जरूर करना कि हम अपने सतगुरु के बताये मार्ग पर चल सके!हमें आशीर्वाद दें!अपनी भक्ति, अपनी कृपा, अपने आशीर्वाद हमें प्रदान करें!यही विनती है प्रभु!
*ऊँ शान्तिः! शान्तिः!! शान्तिः!!!ॐ!सादर हरि ॐ जी!