We are all part of supernatural power, called by different names. That power is worshipped in the form of Lord Rama, Allah, Jesus and in formless existence etc. There are many Sects, Cults, beliefs and religions. Whatever may be the method of worship, all are focused on one power i.e. omnipresent and eternal supreme power. We also being the parts of that power have innumerable possibilities of expressions, have wonderful potentials, but our true nature remains hidden all the time in life.
If we are able to recognize the true nature, nothing can stand in our way and we can do miracles. It requires strong will power, determination, zeal, enthusiasm, high spirit and hard work to get success in any field. To say, the only source for this is ‘prayer’. Prayer is a bridge between the Almighty and the soul. Prayer gets connected with the infinite and inexhaustible cosmic power of energy. It elevates the mind and gives inner power to accomplish the tasks excellently. The only thing is that we work hard and our motive should be pure. Prayer is not a substitute of work. True prayer is necessary to uplift the spirit and significance of life.
May all become happy?
Let no one be affected by diseases.
May everyone come across auspicious things?
Let no one be subject to pain, miseries and afflictions
Meditation Guru "ARCHNA DIDI