Wednesday, 6 July 2016



All talk of spirituality will go in vain until it is taught as a science of experience. Theory followed by a practical truly confirms, affirms and solidifies the abstract truth that is sought to be instructed.  Simply knowing that the supreme spirit dwells in all beings as Atman is not sufficient.  It is the vision in practical sense which would arouse unflinching faith.  We thus need someone who can give the abstract metaphysical truth a visible reality.  Only a perfect sage can do so.  He is one who has himself known and seen the metaphysical form of God by unraveling the profoundest mystery.

Guru Diksha is a ritual, where in the disciple accepts the Guru, with a promise to dedicate his/her life to his Guru and similarly the Guru takes upon self, the responsibility to take the disciple to the highest levels of success and perfection. A student of Chemistry cannot master his field of study without experimenting and verifying in lab the theoretical narration of chemical equation.

            Diksha also means 'to see'. When one takes Diksha, one receives the power by which one can begin to 'see' the goal or path of inner life. It makes the spiritual path visible by casting internal light. We 'see' with the 'inner eye' due to the awakening and discovery of spiritual energy and the self, The more we can dedicate ourselves to the inner quest, the more we shall see

            During Diksha the initiate is presented with a sacred gift from the guru in the form of a mala, which is specially charged by his spiritual energy. This mala should only be used for repetition of the mantra given by the Guru and never worn or seen by anyone other than the initiate. It should be kept carefully and reverently out of sight in a specially made mala bag, and placed in the Sadhana area.

            Diksha is not merely a formal ceremony. One must have a Guru.  One must have a Diksha for body, mind and soul.  If you happen to get Guru Diksha then more you are being blessed by the master. Guru brings a new life.  It is a new birth.  Your body is not same body which you have.  Your body can become divine.  From the day of Diksha you become a great pilgrimage of yourself.

            Your body is a temple.  In that temple you are living and with you, God is living.  Only Diksha can get you in contact.  So Guru Diksha is first approach to start ascending from lower consciousness to higher consciousness. MEDITATION SADGURU ARCHNA DIDI has dedicated her life towards the betterment of the society through her disciples upon accepting the whole responsibility of them and leads them on the path of spirituality and helps them unlock their hidden potentials.

            DIDI Mantra is the seed or energy spark planted by her in the depths of the disciple's consciousness. The heart, mind and consciousness of the seeker are already like fertile soil just ready to receive the spark or seed. As with any seed, it needs regular attention and care. Regular and constant watering through repeating the mantra awakens its potential. From a seed it becomes a tiny sprout, then a small shoot. After some years of constant practice, it grows into a strong plant. At last the buds begin to appear, and then finally it bursts forth into a beautiful flower. It is up to the initiate to explode the hidden power of his mantra through his own effort; the Guru can only plant the seed.

            Krishna tells Arjuna in the Gita that “my cosmic form can neither be seen by study of Vedas, nor by rituals, acts of charity and austere penances”. The cosmic process and destiny is best understood on seeing the vision within.   The vision is the revelation of the inherent divinity in man.  The super sensuous experience is instant and spontaneous in every aspirant at the time of Diksha.  Opportunity is knocking at your door and you are to avail it.

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