Thursday, 10 June 2021


*Shunya Akash Meditation* as devised by  Meditation Guru ARCHNA Didi is a powerful meditation experience which initiates one into stillness (shunya).

It is a journey into self-realization and along this journey one discovers hidden powers within to heal physically emotionally and mentally. This powerful meditation helps to find your true blissful nature which is unaffected by situations or circumstances or any disease or any lockdown. 

*Benefits of the Shunya Akash Workshop?*
A.  Control over thoughts and ego

B.  Anger management and depression cure

C.  Brings in Awareness 

D.  Better relationships to have a happy family and professional life

E.  Discover inner hidden powers to boost your immunity. Your Physical health and emotional stability

F. Heal yourself from emotional wounds and let go of the past 

Two things which we always complained about is the: time and opportunity, this time and opportunity both have been provided to us by the universe. So let's not make any excuses or wait any longer. We should hold the hand of a learned Guru to lead us from darkness to light.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

#Day 2 of "ARCHNA DIDI Anaaj Yojna" initiative

#Day 2 of "ARCHNA DIDI Anaaj Yojna" initiative

During these hard times when due to the #lockdown in #Delhi and surrounding regions, many people have lost their jobs and are without any kind of work. Some of these people like electricians, tailors,  cobblers and the rickshaw pullers who assisted us in our daily routine affairs and have run out of food, required help. 

In this regard, Amrit Path  Sansthan - a #spiritual & #social organization with the divine guidance of #"Meditation Guru - ARCHNA DIDI" stepped up  its efforts through the Anaaj Yojna drive to  provide ration and basic hygiene products to these needy people and their families.

Be a part of the Anaaj Yojna initiative and donate generously to help your fellow beings in their time of need. 

All those who want to #donate in this noble cause , Kindly contact:-
Ms. Nisha Singhal -+919818778555

#positivequotes #helpingpeople #Unite2fightCorona #inspirational #india #corona  #guru #archnadidi #amritpathsansthan #clf #Covid 19 #Coronavirus #helpothers #donation #sewa #meditation #anaajsewa #motivational #spiritual #social #celebratinglifefoundation #meditationguruarchnadidi #dhyanguruarchnadidi

# दूसरा दिन "अर्चना दीदी अनाज योजना" अभियान
#महामारी के इस कठिन समय में तालाबंदी के कारण #दिल्ली तथा दिल्ली के आसपास के क्षेत्रों में हमारी दैनिक आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति करने वाले हमारे सहायक जैसे मोची, धोबी, इस्त्रीवाले, बिजली वाले एवं रिक्शा चालक आदि बहुत से लोगों को अपनी आजीविका से हाथ धोना पड़ा। उनके पास अन्य कोई और काम भी नहीं है जिस कारण उन्हें  आज बहुत कठिनाई का सामना करना पड़ रहा है । ये लोग भोजन जैसी मूलभूत आवश्यकता की पूर्ति भी नहीं कर पा रहे हैं । 

इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए "#ध्यान शुरू अर्चना दीदी" के मार्गदर्शन में "#अमृत पथ संस्थान" ने ऐसे लोगों के परिवार की सहायता के लिए अनाज दान अभियान शुरू किया है जिसके अंतर्गत उन्हें राशन एवं सामान्य स्वच्छता उत्पाद उपलब्ध करवाया जाएगा।

आपसे विनम्र अनुरोध है कि इस अनाज दान अभियान में अपना सक्रिय सहयोग देकर उदार ह्रदय से दान करें ।

इस पुनीत कार्य के लिए जो भी सज्जन #दान करने के इच्छुक हों कृपया इस नंबर पर संपर्क करें:
श्रीमती निशा सिंघल- +919818778555

#सकारात्मक विचार #जन- जन की सहायता #कोरोना के विरुद्ध एकीकरण #प्रेरणादायक #भारत #कोरोना #गुरु #अर्चना दीदी #अमृत पथ संस्थान #सीएलएफ #कोविड19 #कोरोना वायरस #परोपकार #दान #सेवा #मेडिटेशन #ध्यान #अनाज सेवा #प्रेरक #अध्यात्मिक #सामाजिक #सेलिब्रेटिंग लाइफ फाऊंडेशन #मेडिटेशन गुरु अर्चना दीदी #ध्यान गुरु अर्चना दीदी #सेवा

Thursday, 20 May 2021


Day 1 of "ARCHNA DIDI Anaaj Yojna" initiative

In these unfortunate times when people have lost their livelihoods due to lockdown, there have been many hungry and vulnerable people on the streets. Amrit Path Sansthan - A spiritual & social organization with the guidance of Meditation Guru - ARCHNA DIDI has taken the initiative to launch  Anaaj Yojna drive to provide raw food items and various hygiene products. 

We supported each family with a Kit of dry ration carrying following items:

5 Kg Flour
5 Kg Rice
1 Kg Pulses
1 Kg Oil
1 kg Salt
1 Kg Sugar
Soaps & Masks

We request you to be a part of Anaaj Yojna drive and donate what ever you want in this hour of need. 
With Your support we plan to launch this Anaaj Yojna drive in various parts of the city and neighbouring NCR regions also.

All those who want to donate in this noble cause , Kindly contact:-
Ms. Nisha Singhal -+919818778555

Saturday, 20 March 2021


*DHYAN UTSAV - 2021*

The ultimate experience of meditation like never before. 

The experience that vibrates your inner being to have an impression of bliss...

On the auspicious occasion of Birthday of
Meditation Guru - *ARCHNA DIDI*
On Saturday, the 27th March 2021. 

Facebook LIVE
Evening - 5:00 pm (IST)

All are invited for LIVE Darshans and Blessings!!
Your comments would directly reach to Meditation Guru - ARCHNA DIDI 

For more info, contact:-

Celebrating Life Foundation
+91 8800-750-750
+91 9999-303130

Sunday, 13 September 2020

OJAS Dhyan By Meditation Guru Archna Didi

OJAS Dhyan
Miracles of 5 Elements
Meditation Guru, "ARCHNA DIDI"

*3 Sessions*
Dates :-
1st November 2020
8th November 2020
15 November  2020

*Benefits of the Workshop*

1. Meditation on the 5 elements opens an individual’s spiritual channels to connect directly with the cosmic energy.

2. It brings elevated peace, opens the heart, increases willpower and mental clarity, and creates positive protection circles around you. 

3. Your mind naturally becomes very peaceful and relaxed, enabling you to meditate easily. Wisdom grows spontaneously and your life automatically becomes more successful.

4. Everything in nature is made up of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Knowledge of the five elements allows the yogi to understand the laws of nature and to use yoga to attain greater health, power, knowledge, wisdom and happiness. This arises out of deep intuition of how the universe operates.

5. It balances our chakras and energies leading to removal of blockages and instills healing power. 

6. Removes obstacles and leads to all round success in carrier realationshios and life itself. 

7. Resolution of diseases and illnesses. 

8. Brings about euphoria in the meditation practitioner and leads to advanced stage of meditation. 

9. Physical, mental and emotional tranquility and healing. 

10. A feeling of peace, balance and happiness
Improves relationships and leads to better understanding in life.

*Team - OJAS*

Friday, 3 July 2020

Guru Purnima Mahotsav 2020

In the Divine presence of *Meditation Guru-ARCHNA DIDI*🙏🏻🙏🏻🙇‍♀🙇‍♀

On the auspicious occasion of *Guru Purnima*

🌷🌷Special Divine Invitation🌷🌷 

In the life of a disciple, Guru Purnima is such an annual divine experience of Purnima, which enhances his faith and devotion towards Sadguru manifold. On this auspicious day, the surrender at the lotus feet of Guru with devotion, destroys all the sins of the disciples which leads them further to God. 

Because of prevailing Pandemic Conditions, this year the Guru Purnima festival is however being celebrated *online* with Meditation Guru - "ARCHNA DIDI"

🙏🏻Program Details.:- 🙏🏻
Address and words of benediction by Meditation Guru ARCHNA DIDI on Guru Purnima. Join Facebook Live Telecast:-

Day: Sunday, 5th July 2020

Time: Morning 9.00 to 9.30 am IST

This is the opportunity when we being at the lotus feet of Didi with faith, obeisance and gratitude will be able to feel blessed. 

You all are invited with family on this sacred occasion of Guru Purnima Festivity. 

With Thanks
Team Archna Didi

Sunday, 21 June 2020

आnanda Dhyan Yog

आnand ध्यान योग
- एक शाश्वत अनुभूति

*ध्यान गुरु "अर्चना दीदी"* द्वारा
*प्रथम बार ऑनलाइन ध्यान* ( साप्ताहिक ) श्रृंखला

# शब्दातीत दिव्य अनुभव ।

# आंतरिक शांति व संतुलन की स्थिति ।

# भावनात्मक स्थिरता एवं ऊर्जा में वृद्धि ।

# तनाव नियंत्रण एवं संबंधों में 
दृढ़ता ।

# एकाग्रता, सतर्कता एवं स्मरण शक्ति का विकास ।

# आत्मिक जागरूकता व शाश्वत आनंद की स्थिति आदि ।

📝चार रविवार
28 जून ,5 जुलाई, 12 जुलाई एवं 19 जुलाई 2020 
सायं 5:00 से 6:30 बजे ( IST )

दीदी जी के सान्निध्य में इस दुर्लभ अवसर का लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए आप सपरिवार सादर आमंत्रित हैं ।

रजिस्ट्रेशन व अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें :

टीम अर्चना दीदी